Knightswood Primary School
Mrs. Martin and Mr. McKelvie are teachers at Knightswood Primary School. The school is situated in the northwest of Glasgow and has over 500 pupils. Both teachers are currently teaching Primary One and Mr. McKelvie also teaches Primary Six. Knightswood Primary School is a vibrant and happy learning environment. Our children, teachers, and support staff work together, learning from each other and expanding the knowledge and skills of our children through an active and broad curriculum that is being developed to meet the Four Capacities at the heart of Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence.
The Sci-Seedlets team and Knightswood Primary School have developed a partnership that involves the following: Mrs.. Martin and Mr. McKelvie advise the team on aspects of the delivery of the project’s aims and content within the primary school context; both teachers are actively involved in creating and adapting resources for the project for teachers and children, and the school is testing and evaluating some of the ideas and resources to continually improve these for teachers and pupils across many schools. This is an exciting partnership with benefits for the project, for Knighstwood Primary’s teachers and children, and, it is intended, that will have a positive impact on many schools, teachers and children.